Harrison, Tony

Tony Harrison ha trascorso quattro anni nell'Africa Occidentale e un anno a Praga, prima di ritornare in Gran Bretagna per diventare il primo Northern Arts Literary Fellow nel 1967-68. La sua prima raccolta di poesie, "The Loiners", ha conseguito il Geoffrey Faber Memorial Prize nel 1972 e con la sua versione dell'"Oresteia" di Eschilo ha vinto l'European Poetry Translation Prize nel 1982. Dal 1987 al 1988 è stato presidente della Classical Association. Con "The Gaze of the Gorgon" ha vinto il Whitbread Prize for Poetry nel 1993 e con "Shadow of Hiroshima and OtherFilm/Poems" il William Heinemann Prize nel 1996. Drammaturgo e librettista, alcuni suoi lavori sono stati rappresentati al Britain's National Theatre e al New York Metropolitan Opera.
Tony Harrison was born in Leeds in 1937. He spent four years in West Africa and one year in Prague, before going back to England where he became the first Northern Arts Literary Fellow in 1967-68. For his first collection of poetry, "The Loiners", he was awarded the Geoffrey Faber Memorial Prize in 1972, and his version of Eschil's "Oresteia" gave him the European Poetry Translation Prize in 1982. From 1987 to 1988 he was President of the Classical Association. With "The Gaze of the Gorgon" he won the Whitbread Prize for Poetry in 1993 and with "Shadow of Hiroshima and other Film/Poems" he was awarded the William Heinemann Prize in 1996. He is also a noted dramatist and librettist whose works have been performed by Britain's National Theatre and the New York Metropolitan Opera. Harrison is also a maker of television and film poetry.


"V e altre poesie", Einaudi, 1996
"In coda per Caronte", Einaudi, 2003
"Vuoti", Einaudi, 2008
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