Fainlight, Ruth

Ruth Fainlight è poetessa, scrittrice e librettista. Trasferitasi in Inghilterra all'età di quindici anni è qui che compie i suoi studi frequentando l'Accademia di belle arti. Trascorre lunghi periodi anche all'estero, in Francia e in Spagna soprattutto, esperienze utili per la sua attività di traduttrice. Il suo esordio come poetessa risale al 1966 con "Cages", a cui fanno seguito ben dodici raccolte di componimenti tradotti in molte lingue. In Italia ne "La verità della sibilla" (2003) confluisce la seconda edizione di "Selected Poems" del 1995. Ricopre la carica di Poet in Residence presso la Vanderbilt University di Nashville in Tennessee nel 1985 e nel 1990; nel 1994 riceve il Cholmondeley Award mentre quattro anni dopo è finalista con "Sugar-Paper Blue" al Whitbread Award. In qualità di librettista collabora con la Royal Opera's Garden Venture nel 1991 e nel 1993 ed è Writer Tutor presso il Contemporary Opera and Music Theatre Lab for the Performing Arts Lab (PAL) dal 1997 al 1999. Autrice di racconti come "Daylife and Nightlife" (1971), scrive inoltre critiche letterarie per importanti testate giornalistiche come "The Guardian" e "Times Litterary Supplement" collaborando anche con la BBC Radio. Ruth Fainlight vive tra Londra e il Sommerset.
Ruth Fainlight is a poetess, writer and libretto authoress. Moved to England at the age of fifteen, she completed her studies at the Academy of Fine Arts. She also spent many years abroad, mainly in France and Spain, which proved useful experience for her future life as a translator. She made her debut as a poetess in 1966 with Cages, followed by 12 collections of poems translated in several languages. She was appointed Poet in Residence at Vanderbilt University in Nashville in Tennessee in 1985 and 1990; in 1994 she was awarded the Choldomdeley Award, and four years later she was finalist with her "Sugar-Paper Blue" at the Whitbread Award. In her capacity as libretto writer she works with the Royal Opera's Garden Venture in 1991 and in 1993 and she was Writer Tutor at the Contemporary Opera and Music Theatre Lab for the Performing Arts Lab (PAL) from 1997 to 1999. She authored stories such as "Daylife and Nightlife" (1971), and she also writes literary criticism for important newspapers such as "The Guardian" and "Times Litterary Supplement" writing also for BBC Radio. Ruth Fainlight now lives with her husband, writer Alan Sillitoe, between London and Somerset.


"La verità della sibilla", Edizioni del Leone, 2003
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