Pigliucci, Massimo

Massimo Pigliucci al Festivaletteratura 2016 - ©Festivaletteratura
Docente di filosofia al City College e al Graduate Center della City University di New York, Massimo Pigliucci (1964) ha alle spalle una brillante carriera accademica nei campi dell'epistemologia e della biologia, con interessi che spaziano dalle relazioni tra scienza e religione alla filosofia della pseudoscienza. Dopo la laurea in Genetica a Ferrara, un dottorato di ricerca in Biologia Evoluzionistica all'Università del Connecticut e uno in Filosofia all'Università del Tennessee, ha compiuto studi fondamentali sulle interazioni tra ambiente e genotipo, portando nello stesso tempo avanti, in veste di blogger, divulgatore scientifico e animatore di podcast e web-magazine statunitensi ("Scientia Salon","Rationally Speaking") una difesa della biologia evoluzionistica da attacchi pseudoscientifici di varia natura. Sempre negli Stati Uniti, ha pubblicato articoli e contributi su riviste di filosofia come "Philosophy Now" e "The Philosopher Magazine" e scrive su autorevoli periodici scientifici, tra i quali "Skeptical Inquirer". È autore e curatore di una decina di volumi nel campo della scienza e della filosofia della scienza, da "Phenotypic Plasticity. Beyond Nature and Nurture" (2001) a "Philosophy of Pseudoscience. Reconsidering the Demarcation Problem" (2013, con Maarten Boudry).
A Professor of Philosophy at City College and the Graduate Center at the City University of New York, Massimo Pigliucci (1964) has had a glittering academic career in the fields of epistemology and biology, with interests ranging from the relationship between science and religion to the philosophy of pseudoscience. After graduating in genetics from Ferrara, and obtaining a doctorate in evolutionary biology at the University of Connecticut and another in philosophy from the University of Tennessee, he has carried out some fundamental studies on the interactions between environment and genotype. As a blogger, science writer and contributor to podcasts and web magazines ("Scientia Salon","Rationally Speaking"), he has led the defence of evolutionary biology from various kinds of pseudoscientific attacks. In the United States, he has published articles and pieces for philosophy magazines such as "Philosophy Now" and "The Philosopher Magazine" as well as contributing to authoritative scientific journals such as "Skeptical Inquirer". He is the author and editor of a dozen books in the fields of science and philosophy of science, including "Phenotypic Plasticity. Beyond Nature and Nurture" (2001) and "Philosophy of Pseudoscience. Reconsidering the Demarcation Problem" (2013, with Maarten Boudry).


"Phenotypic Evolution. A Reaction Norm Perspective", con Carl D. Schlichting, Sinauer, 1998
"Phenotypic Plasticity. Beyond Nature and Nurture", Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001
"Denying Evolution. Creation, Scientism, and the Nature of Science", Sinauer, 2002
"Phenotypic integration. Studying the ecology and evolution of complex phenotypes", a cura di Massimo Pigliucci e Katherine Preston, Oxford University Press, 2004
"Making Sense of Evolution. The Conceptual Foundations of Evolutionary Biology", con Jonathan Kaplan, University of Chicago Press, 2006
"Evolution - the Extended Synthesis", a cura di Massimo Pigliucci e Gerd Muller, MIT Press, 2010
"Nonsense on Stilts. How to Tell Science from Bunk", University of Chicago Press, 2010
"Answers for Aristotle. How Science and Philosophy Can Lead Us to A More Meaningful Life", Basic Books, 2012
"Philosophy of pseudoscience. Reconsidering the demarcation problem", a cura di Massimo Pigliucci e Maarten Boudry, University of Chicago Press, 2013
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