Tanni, Valentina

Valentina Tanni al Festivaletteratura 2016 - ©Festivaletteratura
Valentina Tanni (Roma, 1976) è una critica e curatrice d'arte. Ha fondato "Random Magazine", una delle prime rubriche online a essersi occupata di net art. Dal 2011 collabora col magazine "Artribune"; ha inoltre diretto la versione online della rivista "FMR". Il suo principale interesse riguarda l'editoria multimediale il rapporto tra arte e new media, con particolare riguardo alle culture del web e alla net art, argomenti ai quali ha dedicato la tesi "Net Art.1994-2001" e decine di articoli apparsi su riviste nazionali e internazionali. Ha collaborato con diversi festival di arti digitali ('Interferenze', 'Peam') e curato numerose mostre (tra le ultime: "Nothing to See Here", Milano, 2013; "Eternal September. The rise of amateur culture", Lubljana, 2014).
Valentina Tanni (Rome, 1976) is an art critic and curator. She founded "Random Magazine", one of the first online institutions to deal with net art. She has worked with "Artribune" since 2011 and has also helmed the online version of the magazine "FMR". Her main interests lie in the relationship between art and new media, with particular interests in web cultures and net art, a topic to which she dedicated her thesis "Net Art.1994-2001" and dozens of articles published in national and international journals. She has worked with several digital art festivals ('Interferenze', 'Peam') and curated numerous exhibitions (among the most recent: "Nothing to See Here", Milan, 2013; "Eternal September. The rise of amateur culture", Ljubljana, 2014).


"Random", Link Editions, 2012
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