Corn, Bob

Bob Corn al Festivaletteratura 2016 - ©Festivaletteratura
Tiziano Sgarbi, meglio noto con lo pseudonimo di Bob Corn, è un musicista italiano. Negli anni Novanta milita nella band grunge Fooltribe, da cui ha tratto il futuro nome e il marchio con cui organizza concerti e festival. Dal 2001 ha cominciato a comporre canzoni con il nome di Bob Corn. Nel 2004 firma l'album "Sad punk and pasta for breakfast", caratterizzato da un sound folk con melodie pacate e intimiste. Da allora ha pubblicato cinque album su CD (l'ultimo nel 2011) e tre split album.
Tiziano Sgarbi, better known by the pseudonym Bob Corn, is an Italian musician. In the 90s, he was a member of the grunge band Fooltribe, which is where he took the future name and brand with which he organises concerts and festivals. He started to write songs with the name Bob Corn in 2001. In 2004, he released the album "Sad punk and pasta for breakfast", which was characterised by its folk sounds and calm, intimate melodies. He has since released five albums (the most recent in 2011) and three split albums.


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