Ding, Yujie

Yujie Ding al Festivaletteratura 2016 - ©Festivaletteratura
Yujie Ding è un modista e fashion designer cinese residente in Italia. Si è laureata presso lo IUAV di Venezia in Fashion Design. Durante un anno di scambio di studio presso la Parsons School of Design ha scoperto la sua passione per i cappelli fatti a mano, frequentando i corsi della modista Jasmin Zorlu. Più tardi è stata assistente modista di Ryan Wilde al JJ Hat Center della Fifth Avenue. Le sue opere sono state esposte nei musei di tutto il mondo (Museo Pitti Uomo, Kaliningrad State Art Gallery) e all'Expo di Milano. Nel 2015 ha fondato il marchio di cappelli artigianali Yujied Hats in Italy.
Yujie Ding is a Chinese milliner and fashion designer based in Italy. She graduated from University IUAV of Venice in MA Fashion Design and Theory. During the year of her exchange study at Parsons School of Design, she found her passion on millinery design, learning from milliner Jasmin Zorlu and later became milliner assistant of Ryan Wilde at JJ Hat Center on Fifth Avenue. Yujie's works have been worldwide exhibited in places including Hermitage Museum, Pitti Uomo, Expo Milano and Kaliningrad State Art Gallery. In 2015, Yujie founded her millinery brand Yujied Hats in Italy.


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