Agus, Milena

Milena Agus al Festivaletteratura 2020 - ©Festivaletteratura
Nata a Genova, vive a Cagliari e ha insegnato Italiano e Storia al Liceo Foiso Fois. Ha scritto sin da bambina (soprattutto poesia) ma ha iniziato a pubblicare alle soglie dei cinquant'anni. Nel 2005 ha firmato Mentre dorme il pescecane. Il romanzo ha avuto due ristampe in pochi mesi e numerosi riconoscimenti critici. Mal di pietre (2006 e 2016), il suo secondo romanzo, ha confermato le grandi qualità di scrittura e di invenzione narrativa dell'opera prima e ha conquistato definitivamente la critica e i lettori. A esso sono seguiti Ali di babbo (2008), La contessa di ricotta (2009), Sottosopra (2012), Terre promesse (2017) e Un tempo gentile (2020). Oltre ai sette romanzi, tradotti in più di venti lingue, Agus ha pubblicato anche Perché scrivere (2007), «una piccola perla sull'arte di scrivere e sulle sue motivazioni» (Il Secolo XIX) e, con Luciana Castellina, Guardati dalla mia fame (2014), racconto a due voci di un cruento episodio di linciaggio avvenuto nell'Italia del Secondo Dopoguerra.
Milena Agus was born in Genoa to Sardinian parents and now lives in Cagliari where she teaches Italian and History at a secondary school. Her first novella "La contessa di ricotta" (The Countess of Ricotta Cheese) was published by a small Sardinian publishing house. Although she has been writing since her childhood, it was with her first novel "Mentre dorme il pescecane" (While the Shark is Asleep) that she decided to get in touch with bigger publishing houses. After reading her manuscript and appreciating her talent, Ginevra Bompiani decided to publish it immediately. Published in 2005, "Mentre dorme il pescecane", was reprinted twice in just a few months and enjoyed good reviews by the critics. "Mal di pietre", her second novel, confirmed her literary and narrative talent. She was awarded a special mention at the 2004 Junturas Prize. Translated and published in France by Liana Levi, it sold nearly 70,000 copies in just a few weeks and was very much praised by the critics. The rights have also been sold in Germany, Spain and South America. She has been invited to take part in several literary festivals in France and Germany. "Mal di pietre" has conquered readers in Italy as well, and was short listed for the Strega, Campiello and Stresa Prizes and won the Forte Village Prize.