Circolo Cittadino
Corso Umberto I, 27, Mantova
Il circolo situato in Corso Umberto 27 era luogo ricreativo e di svago per cittadini e studiosi, dedicato in particolar modo alla lettura: disponeva infatti di un Gabinetto di lettura di 40.000 volumi, risalente al 1865, quando lo presiedeva il famoso Professore Roberto Ardigò. Smantellato, l'edicifio che lo ospitava è ora destinato all'uso residenziale.
At 27, Corso Umberto.The Circolo Cittadino was one of the most famous clubs in town as well as meeting point for citizen and researchers and most of all a reader's corner. Indeed it's reading cabinet proudly displays over 40,000 volumes collected since 1865 when Professor Roberto Ardigò was in charge of it. Unfortunatly it was internally dismantled; the building formarly hosting it has nowadays become a residential complex.
At 27, Corso Umberto.The Circolo Cittadino was one of the most famous clubs in town as well as meeting point for citizen and researchers and most of all a reader's corner. Indeed it's reading cabinet proudly displays over 40,000 volumes collected since 1865 when Professor Roberto Ardigò was in charge of it. Unfortunatly it was internally dismantled; the building formarly hosting it has nowadays become a residential complex.